Results for 'Disturbances of Muscle Tone'

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  1. P. rondot.Disturbances of Muscle Tone - 1969 - In P. J. Vinken & G. W. Bruyn, Handbook of Clinical Neurology. North Holland. pp. 169.
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    No Decrease in Muscle Strength after Botulinum Neurotoxin-A Injection in Children with Cerebral Palsy.Meta Nyström Eek & Kate Himmelmann - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10:194629.
    Spasticity and muscle weakness is common in children with cerebral palsy (CP). Spasticity can be treated with Botulinum Neurotoxin-A (BoNT-A), but this drug has also been reported to induce muscle weakness. Our purpose was to describe the effect on muscle strength in the lower extremities after BoNT-A injections in children with cerebral palsy. A secondary aim was to relate the effect of BoNT-A to gait pattern and range of motion. Twenty children with spastic cerebral palsy were included (...)
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    Characteristics of the muscle tension response to paired tones.D. W. Van Liere - 1953 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 46 (5):319.
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    The concept of cellular tone: reflections on the endothelium, fibroblasts, and smooth muscle cells.Carl A. Boswell, Isabelle Joris & Guido Majno - 1992 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 36 (1):79.
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    The distribution of tone in skeletal muscle.W. W. Tuttle - 1925 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 8 (4):319.
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    Critical Spirits In the Contact Zone: Response to Shannon Rodgers.Tone Kvernbekk - 2022 - Philosophy of Education 78 (3):106-110.
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    Human Nature and Second Nature.Tone Kvernbekk - 2017 - Philosophy of Education 73:579-584.
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    Measurement Meanderings: Response to Francis Schrag.Tone Kvernbekk - 2019 - Philosophy of Education 75:501-505.
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    Reasons and Groups.Tone Kvernbekk - 2008 - Philosophy of Education 64:228-230.
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    Sense and subjectivity. Hidden potentials in psychological aesthetics.Tone Roald & Simo Køppe - 2015 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 35 (1):20-34.
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    Critical realism, environmental learning and social-ecological change.Tone Skinningsrud - 2018 - Journal of Critical Realism 17 (2):192-202.
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    Religious education from a critical realist perspective: sensus fidei and critical thinking.Tone Skinningsrud - 2019 - Journal of Critical Realism 18 (2):211-216.
    Volume 18, Issue 2, April 2019, Page 211-216.
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    Læring av yrkesetikk – nytter utdanning? En forskningsbasert fremstilling.Tone Dyrdal Solbrekke - 2008 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 2 (2):115-136.
    Denne artikkelen innledes med en forutsetning: at dagens samfunn er sterkt avhengig av ekspertsystemer som utvikles og forvaltes av profesjoner og deres medlemmer. Profesjonsutøvelse må derfor forankres i faglig kunnskap og ikke minst i en reflektert etisk bevissthet om profesjoners samfunnsoppdrag. Med dette som utgangspunkt påpekes det i denne artikkelen at høyere utdanning har ansvar for å utdanne kommende profesjonsutøvere med moralsk handlingsberedskap. I lys av dette gjennomgås nasjonal og internasjonal forskning på læring av yrkesetikk innenfor ulike profesjonsutdanninger og erfaringer (...)
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    Passivity in Aesthetic Experience: Husserlian and Enactive Perspectives.Tone Roald & Simon Høffding - 2019 - Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 6 (1):1-20.
    This paper argues that the Husserlian notion of “passive synthesis” can make a substantial contribution to the understanding of aesthetic experience. The argument is based on two empirical cases of qualitative interview material obtained from museum visitors and a world-renowned string quartet, which show that aesthetic experience contains an irreducible dimension of passive undergoing and surprise. Analyzing this material through the lens of passive syntheses helps explain these experiences, as well as the sense of subject–object fusion that occurs in some (...)
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    Emotional Shock and Ethical Conversion.Ana Falcato - 2021 - In Ana Falcato, The Politics of Emotional Shockwaves. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 187-201.
    In a similar way to what happens when a wave of electricity impacts the animal body and provokes a convulsive stir of muscles and nerves which can burn and ultimately paralyze the affected surface, some rough emotional experiences may lead us to sudden numbness. Keeping abreast with the most sophisticated phenomenological tools to account for an extremely damaging kind of psychological experience that can ultimately defeat the purpose of a sheer descriptive approach, this chapter does provide a descriptive analysis of (...)
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    Revisiting Dialogues and Monologues.Tone Kvernbekk - 2012 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 44 (9):966-978.
    In educational discourse dialogue tends to be viewed as being (morally) superior to monologue. When we look at them as basic forms of communication, we find that dialogue is a two-way, one-to-one form and monologue is a one-way, one-to-many form. In this paper I revisit the alleged (moral) superiority of dialogue. First, I problematize certain normative features of dialogue, most notably reciprocity. Here I use Socrates as my example (the Phaedrus). Second, I discuss monologue, using Jesus as my example (St. (...)
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    Argumentation Practice: The Very Idea.Tone Kvernbekk - 2007 - In Christopher W. Tindale Hans V. Hansen, Dissensus and the Search for Common Ground. OSSA.
    In this paper I shall examine Ralph Johnson’s concept of argumentation practice. He provides the following three desiderata for a critical practice: It is teleological, it is dialectical, and it is manifestly rational. I shall argue that Johnson’s preferred definition of practice – which is MacIntyre’s concept of practice as human activity with internal goods accessible through participation in that same activity – does not satisfy his desiderata.
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    Cognition in Emotion: An Investigation Through Experiences with Art.Tone Roald - 2007 - Rodopi.
    Emotions are essential for human existence, both lighting the way toward the brightest of achievements and setting the course into the darkness of suffering. Not surprisingly, then, emotion research is currently one of the hottest topics in the field of psychology. Yet to divine the nature of emotion is a complex and extensive task. In this book emotions are approached thought an exploration of the nature of cognition in emotion; the nature of thoughts in feelings. Different approaches to emotions are (...)
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    Argumentation in Theory and Practice: Gap or Equilibrium?Tone Kvernbekk - 2012 - Informal Logic 32 (3):288-305.
    ABSTRACT: It is not uncommon, in argumentation and in various professions, to diagnose a gap between theory and practice; and in the next step argue that they should be brought into line with each other. But what does this mean? I shall argue that some version of a gap is sound, as it leaves theory with a critical, independent role in relation to practice – something that an equilibrium view does not.
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    Lived Relationality as Fulcrum for Pedagogical–Ethical Practice.Tone Saevi - 2011 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 30 (5):455-461.
    What is the core of pedagogical practice? Which qualities are primary to the student–teacher relationship? What is a suitable language for pedagogical practice? What might be the significance of an everyday presentational pedagogical act like for example the glance of a teacher? The pedagogical relation as lived relationality experientially sensed, as well as phenomenologically described and interpreted, precedes educational methods and theories and profoundly challenges educational practice and reflection. The paper highlights the aporetic character of pedagogical practice, reflection and research (...)
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    Nietzsche, Tension, and the Tragic Disposition.Matthew Tones - 2014 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Matthew Tones examines the early ontological development of the tragic disposition in Nietzsche's analysis of the pre-Platonic Greeks and its influence on Nietzsche's quest to discover a future nobility. This book fuses the popular reading of Nietzsche as a naturalist with noble creative impulses to reveal further complexities in his mature work.
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    On Identifying Narratives.Tone Kvernbekk - 2003 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 22 (3/4):267-279.
    This article analyzes the concept of narrative.How do we recognize a narrative when we seeone? Which criteria do we or should we apply?The article itself serves as a (possible)example of a narrative, and is thus adiscussion of itself as a narrative product. Ialso discuss the possible narrative structureof the process leading up to the completedarticle. I first discuss two approaches tocategorization and the most commonly referredto criteria for identifying narratives. Next Idiscuss various roles found in narratives andthe roles found in (...)
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    A Nordic Outlook.Tone Kvernbekk - 2001 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 20 (4):287-290.
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    Between Being and Knowing: Addressing the Fundamental Hesitation in Hermeneutic Phenomenological Writing.Tone Saevi - 2013 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 13 (1):1-11.
    Starting from the practice of hermeneutic phenomenological writing as it has been advanced by van Manen, this paper addresses the understanding of an ‘experiential givenness’ of the world as basis for our ‘lived writing’; an understanding that is essential to the new phenomenological writer if s/he is to be part of the phenomenological writing process. As the ultimate givenness of the world is the basis of knowledge, we constantly strive to “reach out on life beyond itself” (Gadamer, 1960/1985, p. 62), (...)
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    Putting Phenomenology Back into Phenomenology.Tone Saevi - 2023 - Phenomenology and Practice 18 (1).
    This is a review of Michael van Manen's & Max van Manen's (Eds.) Classic Writing for a Phenomenology of Practice, published by Routledge.
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    Muscle responses and their relation to rote learning.R. N. Berry & R. C. Davis - 1958 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 55 (2):188.
  27. Professional responsibility under pressure?Tomas Englund & Tone Dyrdal Solbrekke - 2011 - In Ciaran Sugrue & Tone Solbrekke, Professional responsibility: new horizons of praxis. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Crenças, valores e visões: trabalhando as dificuldades relacionadas a sexualidade e gênero no contexto escolar.Adriano Beiras, Grazielle Tagliamento & Maria Juracy Filgueiras Toneli - 2005 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 21:69-78.
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    Why Be Moral? A Different Rationale for Managers.LaRue Tone Hosmer - 1994 - Business Ethics Quarterly 4 (2):191-204.
    It is proposed that mangers have to be moral, have to be concerned about the distribution of benefits and the allocation of harms brought about by their decisions and actions, in order to build trust, commitment, and effort among the stakeholders of the firm. Trust, commitment, and effort on the part of all of the stakeholders are essential for long-term corporate success, given the economic conditions of intense global competition that now exist for the foreseeable future.
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    What muscle variable(s) does the nervous system control in limb movements?R. B. Stein - 1982 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 5 (4):535-541.
    To controlforceaccurately under a wide range of behavioral conditions, the central nervous system would either require a detailed, continuously updated representation of the state of each muscle (and the load against which each is acting) or else force feedback with sufficient gain to cope with variations in the properties of the muscles and loads. The evidence for force feedback with adequate gain or for an appropriate central representation is not sufficient to conclude that force is the major controlled variable (...)
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    Why Be Moral?LaRue Tone Hosmer - 1997 - Business Ethics Quarterly 7 (4):137-143.
    Professors Bill Shaw and John Corvino, in a response article published in the July, 1996 issue of Business Ethics Quarterly, provide a clearly courteous and obviously well-intended criticism of my original (1994) position on the question of why a manager, and in consequence an organization, should be moral. I disagree with their reasoning and, because I believe that this form of the “Why Be Moral?” question lies at the heart of any potential juncture between our field of business ethics and (...)
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    It’s Time for Empirical Research in Business Ethics.Larue Tone Hosmer - 2000 - Business Ethics Quarterly 10 (1):233-242.
    Abstract:We have a very decent belief structure or general paradigm underlying Business Ethics as a formal field of study. It has an explicit moral base. It can be stated in simple and direct terms. It has been developed over a number of recent years by a group of respected scholars from a variety of academic disciplines. It is, however, subject to multiple interpretations and open to extensive conflicts. We can easily tolerate if not benefit from the differing interpretations. We must—at (...)
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    Nonhuman Primates in Public Health: Between Biological Standardization, Conservation and Care.Tone Druglitrø - 2023 - Journal of the History of Biology 56 (3):455-477.
    By the mid-1960s, nonhuman primates had become key experimental organisms for vaccine development and testing, and was seen by many scientists as important for the future success of this field as well as other biomedical undertakings. A major hindrance to expanding the use of nonhuman primates was the dependency on wild-captured animals. In addition to unreliable access and poor animal health, procurement of wild primates involved the circulation of infectious diseases and thus also public health hazards. This paper traces how (...)
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    Managerial ethics and microeconomic theory.LaRue Tone Hosmer - 1984 - Journal of Business Ethics 3 (4):315 - 325.
    There is a very apparent conflict between economists and ethicists over the moral standards that should be applied to the managers of business firms. The view of most economists is that moral standards in business are not relevant, beyond the normal personal obligations to speak the truth and observe the law, because profit maximizing behaviour, under market and resource constraints, leads inexorably to social welfare optimization. The opposing view of most humanists is that modern markets are not competitive enough to (...)
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    Mastication Muscle Function in Mandibular Fracture Patients After Open Reduction Internal Fixation (ORIF) (Improved Masticatory Muscle Function in Mandibular Fracture Patients Post Open Reduction Internal Fixation (ORIF) Procedure: A Systematic Review).Muh Tegar Jaya, Andi Tajrin & Mohammad Gazali - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1114-1125.
    The maxillofacial zone is a common site of traumatic injury, which has a direct impact on the aesthetics and function of the patient's face. The mandible is the main structural skeletal bone associated with the face, and the maxillofacial area is a common site of injury. Mandibular fractures have a significant impact on masticatory function. The main cause could also be the patient's ability to chew vigorously until the strength is below normal. This is related to dental comfort and mental (...)
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    (1 other version)5 Years, 20 Issues, 141 Articles, and What?LaRue Tone Hosmer - 1996 - Business Ethics Quarterly 6 (3):325-358.
    The first issue of Business Ethics Quarterly appeared five years ago. This article classifies the content of the 141 articles that have appeared since that time along 18 dimensions, and 118 categories within those dimensions, to determine trends within the discipline. The major trend appears to be a shift in focus towards the increased discussion of a new approach/paradigm for the field, and towards a normative/descriptive interface of the theory. The major problem seems to be a lack of explicit conceptual (...)
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    Decelerating Education.Morgan Deumier, Tone Sævi & Morten Timmermann Korsgaard - 2024 - Phenomenology and Practice 19 (1).
    Current educative practices have given rise to the predominant pressure to increase production and speed in academic work and education in general. Educators need to ask whether conceiving of education in such terms is what we really want our children and youth to experience. In this paper, we aim to interrogate the question of how a deceleration of education is possible, and why this would be desirable for students and teachers. We do this in a circuitous way, by exploring four (...)
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    Ethics and Economics: Growing Opportunities for Joint Research.LaRue Tone Hosmer & Feng Chen - 2001 - Business Ethics Quarterly 11 (4):599-622.
    A group of economists has recently begun addressing questions at the intersection of ethics and economics. They are preparing new definitions of individual choice that combine self-interest and other-interest, new processes of interpersonal exchange that result in cooperation rather than conflict, and new measures of social well-being that include rights as well as outcomes. This article surveys that work, and suggests areas where conceptual inputs from business ethicists are clearly needed, and where multiple opportunities for interactive research are obviously present.
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    Parkinsonian Rigidity: The First Hundred-and-One Years 1817-1918.Francis Schiller - 1986 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 8 (2):221 - 236.
    Between James Parkinson's 'shaking palsy' and the first report of the post-encephalitic manifestation — initially not recognizable as a complication of that incipient 'Spanish flu' epidemic — it took over a hundred years to arrive at a clear appreciation and differentiation of its most disabling feature: rigidity. This paper traces the development, step by hesitant or bold step, of the pertinent ideas and terms regarding muscle tone before and after Parkinson, their basis in neuropathological advances as they were (...)
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    Bodily and Therapeutic Movement.Anna Louise Langager & Tone Roald - 2018 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 49 (1):43-63.
    In this article we present a phenomenological single-case study of a client’s experience of her therapist’s bodily movement in the context of narrative therapy. A client was interviewed regarding her experience of selected bodily movements of the therapist based on a video recording of one of her therapeutic sessions. The movements were analyzed through Maxine Sheets-Johnstone’s cardinal structures of movement while the interview was analyzed through a modification of Giorgi’s method for phenomenological psychology. We focused on the relationship between the (...)
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    PISA and teachers’ reflexivities. A mixed methods case study.Terje André Bringeland & Tone Skinningsrud - 2024 - Journal of Critical Realism 23 (1):53-80.
    Neoliberal educational reforms include extensive use of standardized tests. We examine the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) initiated and developed by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Examining previous research on teachers’ reactions to neoliberal reforms altering their work context, we have identified three theoretical frameworks in use: labour process theory, derived from structural Marxism; post-structuralism, relying primarily on Foucault’s conceptualizations; and ‘new professionalism’, which has emerged from the theory of professions. A major weakness in these frameworks (...)
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    Movement and meaning.Roald Tone Boldsen Sofie Køppe Simo - 2024 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 11 (2):315-354.
    In this article, we analyze how movement takes part in creating intersubjective meaning. We discuss what Daniel Stern termed ‘affect attunement,’ a primary way of constituting intersubjectivity. Based on an analysis of how movement, meaning-making, vitality affects, and primordial feelings interrelate in affect attunement, we show that primordial feelings and thereby movement play a much greater role in affect attunement than Stern proposed. This makes movement a primary meaning-making modality, indispensable to the development of intersubjectivity. To illustrate the relation between (...)
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    Muscle potentials and conditioning in the rat.W. S. Hunter - 1937 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 21 (6):611.
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    Editorial: Life Phenomenology--Movement, Affect and Language.Stephen Smith, Tone Saevi, Rebecca Lloyd & Scott Churchill - 2017 - Phenomenology and Practice 11 (1):1-4.
    The “life phenomenology” theme of the 35th International Human Science Research Conference challenged participants to consider pressing questions of life and of living with others of our own and other-than-human kinds. The theme was addressed by keynote speakers Maxine Sheets-Johnstone, Ralph Acampora and David Abram who invoked a motile, affective and linguistic awareness of how we might dwell actively and ethically amongst human communities and with the many life forms we encounter in the wider, wilder world we have in common. (...)
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    Embodiment, muscle sense, and memory for speech.Hugh W. Buckingham - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (4):515-515.
    MacNeilage's target article develops a theory for the evolution of human speech articulation along the lines of “slot- filler” structure. His content/frame schema commits him to the tenets of embodiment, muscle sense, and a memory for speech. My commentary ties these aspects together in their historical and current perspective.
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  46. Ethics at Work.Jeffery Cederblom, Charles J. Dougherty, W. Michael Hoffman, Jennifer Mills Moore, Larue Tone Hosmer & John B. Matthews - 1993 - Journal of Business Ethics 12 (1):36-74.
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    Disturbing Attachments: Genet, Modern Pederasty, and Queer History by Kadji Amin.Andrew Ragni - 2018 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 8 (2):111-115.
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  48. Mental Muscles and the Extended Will.Tillmann Vierkant - 2014 - Topoi 33 (1):1-9.
    In the wake of Clark and Chalmers famous argument for extended cognition some people have argued that willpower equally can extend into the environment (e.g. Heath and Anderson in The thief of time: philosophical essays on procrastination. Oxford University Press, New York, pp 233–252, 2010). In a recent paper Fabio Paglieri (Consciousness in interaction: the role of the natural and social context in shaping consciousness. John Benjamins, Amsterdam, pp 179–206, 2012) provides an interesting argument to the effect that there might (...)
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  49. Effective family planning programs.Rodolfo A. Bulatao, Ann Levin, Eduardo R. Bos, Cynthia Green, N. N. Sarkar, R. Bromley, K. Tones, T. Byrd, K. Enge & M. Favin - 1993 - Journal of Biosocial Science 25 (1):45-9.
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    Minimally disturbed, multicycle, and reproducible synchrony using a eukaryotic “baby machine”.Stephen Cooper - 2002 - Bioessays 24 (6):499-501.
    A eukaryotic “baby machine” has been developed that produces synchronized cultures that display up to four synchronous cell cycles. 1 That such cells can be produced implies that methods unable to produce successive synchronized cell cycles may not actually synchronize cells. But most important, the baby machine method now opens the way for the study of the cell cycle of minimally disturbed, artifact‐free, well‐synchronized, mammalian cells. BioEssays 24:499–501, 2002. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
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